AboutDaffodil is a group of tech and healthcare experts committed to lowering healthcare admin spend.
Bureaucracy of our healthcare system has had deleterious effects.

Healthcare % spend of US economy


Healthcare admin spend

$1 T+

Wasted healthcare spend

$500 B

As human beings, we respond quickly to accidents & floods - but slow incremental changes can be just as devastating

US Healthcare has become a problem, instead of a solution:


of our citizens bear medical debt


of adults skip needed care because of costs


of all debt collection in the US is for medical bills

We have reached a stage where this is unsustainable – for the man on the street, for the economy, for society and for us as a Nation

Core Problem

Healthcare pricing in the US is inelastic, complex, opaque and stuck inside archaic systems & processes:


Doesn’t move with supply & demand


tens of thousands of codes of different types, varying pricing models etc.


Very few people understand in holistically


Most Payors & Providers use both systems & processes that are archaic

Solving the problem

The problem is hard & complex. Solving it requires:

Deep expertise in healthcare & technology, an excruciating attention to detail and, enormous patience

No quick fix

Making "pricing data transparent" in and of itself will do little.

Regulation doesn't helpRegulation can catalyze some change, but typically has also increased complexity. 

Using existing players

‘Disruption’ in the traditional high-tech sense has failed numerous times. We need to ‘catalyze’ change by working with current players

We can’t do this from the outside.  We have to build pricing products and systems that get into the bowels of healthcare’s existing processes and help make a difference. 

Our approach

We started this journey by asking a few obvious but difficult questions:


Why does a 5 minute conversation with ChatGPT cost $0.04 but repricing a claim costs 'an arm and a leg'?


Why are there so many middlemen between the 'buyer/payor' of services and the 'provider' of services?


Why shouldn't a claim be repriced in seconds?


Why are contracting operations so complex and inefficient?

We aim to do this because it needs to be done. We aim to do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

We are a team of a passionate healthcare and technology experts who believe change is both possible & essential.

Our mission is to bring transparency & understanding to complicated & obscure pricing processes while harnessing the power of data, technology, and AI to automate all pricing operations

portrait of Aditya Acharya

Aditya Acharya

Backend Engineering

portrait of Adrienne Cromwell

Adrienne Cromwell

Product & Customer Success

portrait of Dongfang Xu

Dongfang Xu

LLM & Natural Language Processing

portrait of Evan Moses

Evan Moses

Frontend Engineering & UX

portrait of Ilya Kiriukin

Ilya Kiriukin

Backend Engineering

portrait of Kurt Fullmer

Kurt Fullmer

Sales & Business Development

portrait of Navin Nagiah

Navin Nagiah

Strategy, Product & Go-to-Market

portrait of Shuo Yang

Shuo Yang

Technology, Architecture & Engineering

portrait of Xicheng Chang

Xicheng Chang

Cloud & Backend Engineering

Our investors

Maverick Ventures logo
EPIC Ventures logo
Daffodil Health Logo

Curious about how to automate your Out of Network and Reference Based Pricing Processes?